I am, unfortunately, one of those individuals who reject the idea of growing up. As the quote goes; "To grow old is mandatory, to grow up is optional".
But my question is this, why do society force the idea of growing up down our throats? Why should we become the mundane shadow of what they believe to be the norm?
Go to work, go home, procreate to the point of 2.5 children and believe that this is what true happiness is all about.
I'm not near being classified as being old yet, but I had my fair share of "just grow up" speeches, but this doesn't mean I'm closed to the idea of their picture of my freedom. After all, it IS my freedom you so loosely throw around and try to plan. If I let you succeed in doing this, I'm offering up my freedom, and that I will never do.
Yes, I will go to a boring, soul sucking job and make money the 1% will take back eventually to survive.
No, I will not wear shoes to the stores, or church, or social events.
Yes, I will quit my stable job on a whim if I feel my time is up, even though I will have to survive on 2-minute noodles for the next 3 months until I find another job.
No, I will not explain to you why I did it, simply because I don't even know why I did it. (Thanks, ADHD). Nor will I explain to my new soul-sucker (Fuck, I mean employer) why either. Be glad I arrived on time to the interview... And wore shoes.
Yes, I will still laugh to the point of tears if someone makes a sexual remark, intended or not. Nor will I stop making those remarks myself.
No, I will not stop wasting my time on mindless activities or refrain from making impulse buys.
My point is actually, I will do what I have to to survive, but I'm doing it on my terms, I'm keeping the little freedom I have left.
I will close this prolonged list of words with the following quote, "All I ask is to be free. The butterflies are free."